#1 On JVZoo 4 Days In a Row

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& Congrats To The Winners:



Dec. 2nd at Midnight

(Cyber Monday)

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Sales Page Here

The Funnel


Product Description

Front End Package

The front end contains our five best selling products. $2985 Real Value

Each of these products has its own membership site. When your customer buys the Black Friday front end package they are simultaneously added to all 5 sites. They can log into each of them with the same user name and password. Easy Peasy.


This has been our flagship product since April of 2010. Memebers get LIVE weekly coaching every Thursday night with Omar & Melinda plus they have access to over 400 episodes in the archives. Membership includes access to all of our core products like Buzzinar, Internet Selling For Newbies, Content Nitrous, Rapid Profit System and Funnel Boss. They also get 6 mini courses and a PLR product library.

Retails For: $297


This is our brand new lead funnel creation software. Users log into the SaaS and create landing pages and download pages with the easy to use page builder. The unique thing about CONVERToolz is that it comes with over 150 lead magnets already built in. Products in 12 categories that they can use to build their lists. It connects to the major auto responders and also enables monetization of the download pages. CONVERToolz has many more features and "Toolz" in the works.

Retails For: $197


This product is all about BONUS PAGES. Users log into the SaaS and customize the 7 precreated bonus templates with their own headlines and videos and affiliate links. All the bonus products are included along with tons of customizeable marketing material that they can use. The thing that makes Commission Magnets special is the training course, the videos teach some advanced super affiliate marketing tactics. This also includes a library of bonus products and a generic templat that can be used to promote pretty much anything.

Retails For: $297


This is our HIGH TICKET soup to nuts product launch training course. This normally sells for $1997 via webinar. LaunchPad walks the user STEP by STEP through the development of a digital product all the way through affiliate recruitment and launch. This product was created by documenting the creation of a six figure product launch. Launchpad includes checklists, templates and all the resources necessary for a newbie to do a successful launch within 60 days.

Retails For: $1997


This is an intense 8 hour training course that can defibrilate any internet marketing business thats in a slump. The 4 videos cover the most important parts of an onl;ine business that people typically screw up. Traffic, List Building, CONVERSION and Scaling. The conversion clinic alone is worth its weight in gold. Each of the clinics comes with resources and help material in the members area.

Retails For: $197

The Upsell

A.C.E. marketing automation system that normally sells For $1997

This is our full blown affiliate marketing system that provides customers with 100% commissions on all of our core products with 50% commission on the high ticket back ends. The system has high converting squeeze pages with hard coded affiliate links in each of the follow up email sequences (over 100 in total). The system intuitively moves prospects from campaign to campaign and also pitches hard coded high ticket products to the buyers. ACE users get to download and keep the leads they aquired after they've gone through the sequence.

ACE comes with over 50 pieces of customizeable marketing material per product. Its also inclues and extensive traffioc training video library that covers all the most effective traffic methods including social media and Youtube. The dashboard connects to the users JVZoo account and provides real time metrics on ACE links, clicks, opt-ins, conversion stats and sales for each product and through out the super funnel.

The Downsell

This is a brand new product that we have never sold before!

We've been recording our weekly MUA coaching webinars for 9 years. Each episode tackles a new and exciting internet marketing challenge with cutting edge strategy. We've turned 150 of these recordings into full blown products.  This product gives the customer PLR rights to all of this material for all 150 products. The video, the transcription, the ebook the graphics the whole 9 yards.

None of this was outsourced, none of this is garbage content created by people that cant read or write english. ALL OF THIS MATERIAL WAS CREATED IN HOUSE PERSONALLY BY OMAR AND MELIINDA MARTIN. Our team turned our videos into products and this is material that we have only ever used ourselves for bonuses and membership content. This has cost us tense of thousands of dollars to develop over the years and we are blowing it out with PLR on black friday for a measly $199. This one actually pains me to sell at this price and thats why I know it will fly off the shelves.

This gets delivered on a private page in the CONVERToolz members area where the users can download all the files.


The Sales Contest

Thank You!

You KNOW we've got your back! This is a package that can really benefit your subscribers and we want you to make the most amount of money possible promoting this offer. If you have questions or need help with ANYTHING what-so-ever CONTACT US HERE!

Melinda & Omar Martin

A Team With A Rock Solid Reputation

We've been helping internet marketers build their online businesses with the best tools and training since 2007.